FEI CCI 5* Dressage Test 2024 B

Rider: Gaspard Maksud (FRA) Horse: KAN-DO 2 No: 28
Judge at H: Jane HAMLIN (USA)
Judge at C: Sandy PHILLIPS (GBR)
Judge at B: Christian STEINER (AUT)
      Max Marks. Judge (H) Judge (C) Judge (B)
1 A
Enter at collected canter
Halt, salute, proceed collected trot
Track right
10 6 5 5
2 C-M
Collected trot
Medium trot
Collected trot
10 6 6.5 6.5
3 F-X Half-pass left 10 6 6.5 7
4 X Circle right 8 meters 10 7 6.5 7
5 X-G
Shoulder-in right
Track left
10 6.5 6 7
6 H-X-F
Extended trot
Collected trot
10 6 6 6.5
7   Transitions to and from extended trot 10 6.5 6.5 6.5
8 K-X Half-pass right 10 7 7 7
9 X Circle left 8 meters 10 7 6.5 6.5
10 X-G Shoulder-in left 10 6 5 6.5
11 C Track right and transition to medium walk 10 6.5 5.5 7
12 M-E Extended walk 10 7 7 7
13 E-F-A Medium walk 10 7 7 7.5
14 A Halt 10 6 6.5 7
15 A Rein-back 5 steps, proceed collected canter right lead 10 5.5 6.5 6
16 K-S
Medium canter
Collected canter
Half circle right collected canter
10 5.5 5 6
17 R-V Flying change crossing center line 10 5.5 5.5 5
18 F Half-pass left to quarter line, between I and S 10 6.5 6.5 7
19   Straight ahead to flying change on the quarter line, then turn right 10 4 5 5
20 M Half-pass right to quarter line, between L and V 10 6 6.5 6.5
21   Straight ahead to flying change on the quarter line, then turn left 10 5 6.5 4
22 F-M
Extended canter
Collected canter
10 5.5 6.5 6.5
23 C
Circle left 20 meters in working canter allowing the horse to stretch forward and down, before C shorten the reins
Collected canter
10 6 7 6.5
24 S-P Flying change crossing center line 10 5 6 5
25 A
Down centre line
Halt, immobility, salute
10 6 6 6.5
Leave the arena at a free walk on a long rein at A
Collective Marks          
  Harmony of Athlete and Horse 10 (Coeff. 2) 6 6.5 6.5
    total 270 163 167.5 171
Errors of course are penalised:        
1st time 2 points Total penalty marks to deduct 0 0 0
2nd time 4 points      
3rd time elimination      
Other errors: Two (2) points per error to be deducted      
Total marks to count 163 167.5 171

Note 1: The working, medium and extended trots must be ridden in sitting trot unless otherwise specified.
Note 2: Snaffle it only or double bridle is allowed for CCI3*/4*/5*-L or S