First timers still in the fray

Wednesday 7th - Sunday 11th May 2025

First timers still in the fray

Of the 15 first timers at the start of this year’s MARS Badminton Horse Trials, seven remain in the competition.

Best placed of these is Ireland’s Lucy Latta, pictured, (IRL), an amateur rider based in Co Wexford. Forty-sixth after dressage, Lucy now sits on the podium in third place after RCA Patron Saint jumped the fastest round of the day, coming home one second over the optimum time.

Grace Taylor (USA), daughter of Aston-le-Walls Event Centre owner and previous Badminton competitor Nigel, has moved up into the top 20 on Game Changer from 31st after adding 19.2 time penalties.

Will Rawlin and Ballycoog Breaker Boy also jumped clear with time penalties to lie in 25th place overnight, up from 37th.

Cosby Green (USA) is also still in the race. Based with Tim and Jonelle Price, Cosby and Copper Beach dropped down the order a little due to significant time penalties, but crucially the pair jumped clear. They are currently in 32nd place.

Hard on Cosby’s heels are Jessica Phoenix (CAN) and Wabbit who were faster than Cosby but broke a frangible pin. Regardless, they have still moved up from 62nd after dressage to 33rd.

Max Warburton, the overnight best placed of the debutants, dropped down the order after a refusal and broken frangible at Huntsman’s Close (fence 7) and a run out at the Eyelash Brushes (fence 15). He and Monbeg Exclusive now sit in 40th place.

Our last first timer to come through the finish flags was Helen Bates riding Carpe Diem. The pair picked up a late 20 penalties at the Lightsource BP Mound (fence 26).

All eyes will now be on tomorrow’s horse inspection, which takes place in front of Badminton House at 8.30am.