World Horse Welfare is an international charity that works to improve equine welfare by strengthening the horse-human relationship. The charity strives to help all horses, including horses in need, horses in sport and leisure, and horses used for work and production. By working with owners, communities, organisations, institutions and governments, World Horse Welfare has a track record of improving welfare standards and stamping out suffering in the UK and worldwide.
The charity supports the responsible involvement of horses in sport and acts as independent welfare advisors to sport regulators, working collaboratively to improve welfare practically and responsibly.
Through four key activities – care, research, education and influence – World Horse Welfare aims to improve the lives of all horses. Direct care provides relief to thousands of equids in immediate need through rescue and rehabilitation at home and via local partners in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
The care the charity provides informs the research it supports; working from direct experience across its four rescue and rehoming centres in the UK and 17 international projects, or with academia, to gather evidence of the causes of welfare challenges and how to address them.
Using evidence gained from research, the charity shares and promotes knowledge of equine care, using behavioural change science to reach hundreds of thousands of horses across the globe.
World Horse Welfare’s evidence-based knowledge and experience helps the charity to achieve long-lasting change through shaping attitudes, policies and legislation to sustainably improve welfare for millions of equids.
Location at event
Avenue Beaufort Way
Stand No. 94
Contact info
Anne Colvin House
NR16 2LR