As we hurtle towards Christmas with speed (every year I tell myself I will be more organised!) the jigsaw puzzle is nearing completion. Many contractors and key officials are in place alongside the details are ready for the Box Office opening, which puts us in a good place when we return to the office in the New Year.
As we all know, the weather, since I last wrote, has been anything but dry and calm. Andrew Temkin (the Technical Delegate) came over from America for the weekend when Storm Bert was at its height. Andrew, Eric Winter, Mike Etherington-Smith, Timmy Willis (part of course building team) and myself (plus of course Missy!) set off around the course so that Eric could relay the plans he has for the 2025 course and fences. We were almost wet through before we started! There are some exciting fences and slightly different route which, as usual, will be unveiled in the Spring. On completion we went to the Ship, in Luckington, and had a warming lunch before almost needing boats to get to our relevant homes. The good news is that the inclement weather was a real test for the further drainage that Andrew Godwin has carried out and this has proved successful. The other work that Andrew and Jake have just completed is a new track across the main car parks which will be a great benefit.
November was a busy month. We are delighted to have announced Guide Dogs are as our Charity of the Year for 2025. I continue to learn they do so much more than just provide Guide Dogs, and I know they are much looking forward to demonstrating all at the Event.
We felt very privileged that Badminton was one of the stops for the mammoth cycle ride that the Cycle4Caroline team undertook. It is a moment I will not forget for many a moon, cycling into and through the Park with the team, they deserve every penny and more raised. I was also very lucky to attend the British Eventing Support Trust Ball which was a real celebration of their achievement.
Lots of meetings have taken place, including with South Glos Council, when the health and safety aspect of the event is reviewed.
I attended a further meeting organised by the British Horse Society which followed on from the inaugural meeting last year – to discuss “horses in society”. It was another good session, and all is beginning to gain momentum. I truly believe all horse/pony owners and riders need to take responsibility and be an ambassador for their own horse in all ways at all times.
Amongst all the busy days I have had some lovely rides on Max. It is a great way to observe all that is going on in the Park.
We now have a fun section on our website for our younger followers. Please go to the menu and search “Little Badminton” where you will find fun facts and be able to enjoy quizzes, etc.
Before I sign off – The Box Office will open online and in person on Monday, 6th January with new customers able to book a week later – on 13th January.
With all best wishes for a very Happy Christmas and New Year.