It is great to think it is the shortest daylight day this week and then we will be heading towards lighter mornings/evenings and spring.
It has been a busy month in the Horse Trials Office with a number of exciting sponsors to reveal in the new year. The team continue to be busy putting the jigsaw pieces in place for next year’s event as we build towards the Box Office opening at the beginning of January.
I have just attended a very interesting meeting to discuss Horses in Society, which is a group addressing the perception of the use of the horse across the board, we all need to get behind this movement when it is publicised.
The TV team have been busy discussing the enhancements that will be made to Badminton TV in 2024 including the commission of a documentary to celebrate 75 years of the Horse Trials.
It was good recently to have a get together with the other international event organisers. I fear that everyone is encountering great costs and it gets increasingly difficult for some to make ends meet.
We continue to work towards making our 75th event special. Last week I felt very privileged to spend time with Biddy Wingfield-Digby who rode in the inaugural event in 1949. Her memory of her experience is wonderful and will be shared during the 2024 event.
My team and I wish you all best wishes for a very Happy Christmas and here’s to the New Year and the 2024 event!