Contractor CDM Regulations Pre Event
6th March-29th April 2018
Would you please, as soon as possible, complete this form so that we can comply with the CDM Regulations. You only need to complete this form if you company is going to be onsite at Badminton between 6th March-29th April 2018.
You have to nominate your “Designer” whose “main duty is to eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable risks that may arise during construction work”, and also tell us what days you will be on site and the maximum number of people you will have on site on any one day.
For clarification, our “site” is the central area only, i.e. the Trade Stand area, Main Arena etc. bounded by the Lake to the east and the Deer Park Fence to the west.
Pre Event: 6th March-29th April
During this period you will then have to ensure that our Site Manager, Harry Verney is notified of how many people you have on site each day.