The last few weeks have been spent continuing the work of making sure all the foundation bricks are in place for the 2025 event. By the time we get back into the office after Christmas, all the contractors will be on board as will many of our wonderful volunteers.
Thanks to the continued good weather the ground works are still in progress – tidying up areas and laying of new roads/tracks – there always seems to be more to do! The cross- country course is looking stunning although every year at this time the fallen leaves do their best to make a wonderful blanket over much of the park. Thank goodness for leaf blowers! We welcome on board Dan Cummins who is now in charge of looking after the park and will play a big part in its maintenance going forward. I am glad to say the deer have finished their rut so it will again become a regular route for my horse and me. As those of us that are lucky enough to ride know, it is amazing what you see/notice when on a horse rather than on your feet – that little bit of height making all the difference.
All the established exhibitors have been re-invited. Alex and Rosie, in the office, are busy working their way through the applications and it is always good to be re-connecting with the exhibitors, be if they have with us for a long time or short. In the new year, we will be inviting new exhibitors to fill the spots of those that are not coming back for whatever reason in 2025.
Delyth and Claire are putting in place all that is necessary in order the Box Office is ready to open the first week in the New Year. The Lakeside Pavilions are again proving popular, so don’t leave it too late if you wish to book one of these! Suzy continues to keep you informed and hopefully amused via our social media pages.
We have had another bluebell planting session in Huntsman’s Close, hopefully this time with more success! Two years ago, we planted bulbs, and they have not really come to much – our thinking is that it was too wet at the time.
I felt very privileged to be invited to join a meeting at Nottingham University where there was a very enlightening and positive discussion about Building a Community of Practice for the Ethical Use of Animals in Sport. This discussion covered horses, greyhounds, sleigh racing dogs and others. We all need to make sure from today (not tomorrow) that we are working towards making animals in sport acceptable and understood by all, be it by our actions or conversations that we have going about our everyday lives.
Well done to Pau for completing their event in such wet conditions, as we all know how difficult that can be.