2016 Cross Country Course

Giuseppe Della Chiesa’s course design


In his third year as course designer at the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials, Giuseppe Della Chiesa has bucked tradition and sends riders the same way out of the Main Arena as last year, view the full course description below:

Optimum Time: 11mins 30secs

THE COURSE DESIGNER – Giuseppe Della Chiesa (Italy)

Giuseppe rode in many races in Italy, then became an event rider, competing internationally, and still goes show jumping whenever he can. As a course designer he has worked not only in Italy but in Sweden, South Africa and in Great Britain at the Windsor Three Day Event. His most prestigious course prior to Badminton was for the European Open Championships in Rome.


Guiseppe Della Chiesa


ASX Starter

1. ASX Starter

A nice straight forward fence to get you out of the main arena and out on course as quickly as possible.

Park Piece Hedges

2-3. Park Piece Hedges

These two big but straight forward Park Piece hedges tell you straight away that you are beginning a serious course.

HorseQuest Quarry
Horse Quest Quarry a,b

4,5. HorseQuest Quarry

The first ‘big’ question on the course.

Oxer Chicane

6. Oxer Chicane

A fence to slow up your pace before heading into the trees.

Irish Horse Gateway Huntsmans Close

7. Irish Horse Gateway – Huntsmans Close

A very serious question over big fences, this will require accurate riding throughout.

Wadworth Lower Lake

8. Wadworth Lower Lake

A chance for horses to get their feet wet before jumping the more complex water combinations that are coming up later in the course.

Jack Wills Garden

9. Jack Wills Garden

Technically straightforward, this is somewhere riders won’t want to waste any time so will need to be riding very straight.

Fallen Tree

10. Fallen Tree

Swindon Designer Outlet Mound

11, 12. Swindon Designer Outlet Mound

FEI Classics Stick Pile

13. FEI Classics Stick Pile

An inviting oxer before you head on to the Mirage Pond.

14, 15. Mirage Pond

16. PHEV Oxer

Another straightforward fence before things get more complicated again.

Gatehouse New Pond

17, 18, 19. Gatehouse New Pond

After a long pull up the only hill on the parkland, fitness will be being tested by at this point in the course before a formidable combination with an unusual spread in the water.

Rolex Grand Slam Hedge

20. Rolex Grand Slam Hedge

21. KBIS Vicarage Vee

This part of the course will require all of the cross country skills in each horse and rider’s tool kit.

22. Outlander Bank

A huge step up before a bounce over a surprisingly large hay rack.

23. Shogun Hollow

These acutely angled hedges will require the most accurate of lines to be ridden.

24. World Horse Welfare Gates

A popular place on the course for this fence which celebrates Badminton’s 2016 event charity.

25. Silver Anniversary L200s

An inviting fence to keep momentum up as you reach the final stages of the course

26. The Lake

Riders will need to ensure their horse is balanced through this combination

27, 28. Alexanders Silver Birch

A straight forward question on paper but riders will need to be sure horses hold their line to avoid a glance-off this close to home

29. Countryside Tree

A small fence to give some let up but nevertheless one that requires respect

30. Savills Escalator

Riders who want to save time can make choices here

31. Devoucoux Keepers Brush

Three from home and you are at a fence which that is always inviting and gives horses and riders a great feeling

32. Rolex Crossing

Something relatively straight forward but this late in the course riders won’t want to take any chances and will need to get a good line

33. Mitsubishi Finale

Flying to the finish, a careful pop over the last fence before you can go and celebrate your cross country completion