2015 Cross Country Course

Optimum Time: 11mins 27secs
Giuseppe Della Chiesa (Italy)
Giuseppe rode in many races in Italy, then became an event rider, competing internationally, and still goes show jumping whenever he can. As a course designer he has worked not only in Italy but in Sweden, South Africa and in Great Britain at the Windsor Three Day Event. His most prestigious course prior to Badminton was for the European Open Championships in Rome.
Audio Interview – Giuseppe talks about last year and looks forward to this year:

4,5,6. HorseQuest Quarry
First complex involving some undulating ground comes quite early on course and is a good opportunity to check “all buttons work properly”. Control in speed and balance are needed to jump the downhill Cotswold dry stone wall, then accuracy in the turn to Mike Weaver’s Haycart and again balance and plenty of power up the ramp to the wall out.

8ab. ISH Studbook – Huntsmans Close
Last year’s massive brush corners are back in this traditional location under the trees with significant change of light conditions. Much earlier on the course for this edition they are positioned a few more strides apart still requiring plenty of accuracy and scope. Slower alternatives are available for both elements mainly as a second option in case of an unsuccessful attempt to the direct route.

10. Outlander Lower Lake
First introduction to the four! water complexes on course this single hanging log in water should prove rather straightforward for this level of horses and riders, but still great attention is needed as the particular uphill approach will only give a late opportunity for the horses to actually see the lake.

11, 12abc, 13. L200s – The Lake
The traditional Mitsubishi fence is now back in its historical position as part of the main lake complex and the beautiful Willow Waves are also back ! In front of the biggest possible crowd imaginable riders this year are asked to show all their skills of boldness, control and balance to manage the “S” bend that from the Mitsubishi pick-up will take them left over the first Willow Wave down a maximum drop in water and then right to a bounce step to a second Willow Wave. Alternative “panoramic route” is provided before all competitors will loop back to jump the final boat into water.

15 & 16ab. Swindon Designer Outlet Mound
Opposite direction, but same terrain, same challenges … The enhanced Haha is again all about unpredictability and riding more through feel than plan. A spectacular fallen tree to be jumped before the hollow will work as an introduction to the combination of narrow tree trunks positioned just on top and behind the actual mound. Three unassuming tree trunks on the flat can become a very different matter on such rising and falling ground

20abcd. Gatehouse New Pond
After the first year of testing for the new pond now is time to get a bit more serious. Coming from the opposite direction riders will need preparation and respect for an uncompromising birch rail on the edge of the slope into water followed by a narrow “Duck nest” in water and a final uphill birch rail on a left turn. Boldness and respect, power and balance, accuracy and straightness … this is what you test in a 4 star horse-rider combination. The long alternative asks the same questions but at a softer level.

23ab. World Horse Welfare Garden Gates
Back to the garden in front of the House and again the two white gates well respected by horses and riders in the past edition. They are now on a slighter tighter right turn, but should again prove no big problem if riders will show respect for them and bring back horses to the correct speed and balance.

25ab-26. Sense Birch Rails
The greatest control and accuracy will be required to find the right line through this testing three element combination. After the first open silver birch oxer competitors will have to accept an acute angle to the second element to find their way around a tree to the final element. Plenty of slower options are available for the less experienced combinations or horses that might be starting to get tired at this point on course.

28abc. Savills Escalator
With a slight deviation from the traditional route the course moves this year to a new location just above the warm-up area presenting a relatively “soft” test of three elements. Horses are reaching the final part of the course and the intention of the two “skinny hedges” is just to check the steering and control without asking any big effort.

31. Mitsubishi Finish
“As always I am here to say WELL DONE !!! to all the ones that made it …”